How do I make a new group?
To make a new group, select "New Group" from the Invoices menu. The group window will appear. Fill out the data for that group. All invoices inside this group will use the information (address, phone, etc.) that you enter.

How do I change group settings??
To change existing group's settings, select the desired the group and click "Open" in the Browser window. All changes you make to the group information (address, phone, etc.) will be applied to all of the group's invoices.

How do I delete a group?
To delete a group, select the desired group and click "Remove" in the Browser window. The group and every invoice inside that group will be deleted permanately.

How do I put an invoice inside a group?
To put an invoice inside a group, select the invoice(s) you want to move and drag them on top of the desired group's icon. You will be asked if you want the selected invoices to use the information (address, phone, etc.) from the group or use the invoice's own information.

How do I search for a group?
To search for a group, select "Show Search Window" from the Windows menu. In the text box, type the name of the group you want to find and click "Search". The results of that search will appear in the results area of the window. You can open any search result by double-clicking it.

How do I print a group?
To print a group, select the a group and select "Print..." from the File menu. An options dialog box will appear. To print the group information, select the "Print Group Information" check box. To print invoice information for every invoice inside the group, select the "Print All Group Invoices" check box.

How do I create invoices for a group?
To create invoices for every invoice inside a group, select the desired group and choose "Create Invoices..." from the Invoices menu. Choose the desired format and click "Create".